X Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation named after Prof. V.V. Zaykov
“Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy – 2023”.
(September 18–21, 2023)
South Urals Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS
South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University
South Urals State University
Dear colleagues!
X Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy – 2023” is devoted to the issues of Archaeometry, and the experience of using methods of geology, mineralogy and other natural sciences to archaeology.
The conference is organized by the South Ural Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology, Ural Branch of RAS (Miass), South Ural State University of Humanities and Education (Chelyabinsk), and South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk).
Conference topics
1. General Issues of Archaeometry and Archaeological Mineralogy.
2. Methods of Archaeological Objects and Artifacts Researches.
3. Mining of Ores and Minerals in Antiquity.
4. The Use of Rocks by Ancient Ssocieties.
5. Archaeometallurgy & Metalworking.
6. Geoinformation Systems in Geoarchaeology.
Conference schedule
1. 18–20, September–Registration, oral (15 min) and poster (5 min) sessions;
2. 20, September–visit to the analytical laboratories of South Ural Federal Research Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology UB RAS and the Natural Science Museum of Ilmeny State Nature Reserve;
3. 21, September – Field trip.
Proceedings of the Conference are the peer-reviewed editions and are included in the RSCI. We planned to prepare Proceedings of extended abstract in Springer “Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy. Proceedings of Geoarchaeological Conference, Miass, Russia” in the series “Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences”.
ABSTRACTS will be accepted until July 15, 2023 bye-mail: gaschool-miass@yandex.ru. They are reviewed by the Editorial Board from the members of the Organizing Committee and may be sent to the authors for correction.
The abstracts should be up to 6 pages, 1.5 inches, including figures (not more than 2), tables (not more than 2) and references (not more than 10 references). The e-mail of the first author only is indicated for communication.
The text in MS Word, 1.5 int., without hyphenation, the paragraph 1 cm, font Times New Roman 12 pt, all margins 2 cm. Dots (not commas!) are used in decimals. Files should be named by the surname of the first author (for example, Ivanov_text.doc).
Tables should be placed in separate files, withlinks to them in the text. The size of the table should not exceed 14*29 cm. The files should be namedby author’s surname and table number (for example, Ivanov_table2).
Figures are also placed in separate files of *tiff-format with resolution not less than 300 dpi, with links to them. Files should be named by author’s name and number of figure (for example, Ivanov_ris2). Figure size (including captions) should not exceed 14*29 cm. Please do not use MS Word for inserting figures. If there is only one figure/table in the thesis, it is not numbered.
References are given in square brackets by the surname of the author(s), without initials, and the year with a semicolon (the surnames of one or two authors are indicated, if there are 3 or more, only the first author, etc.). – [Ivanov, 2020]; [Ivanov, Petrov, 2020]; [Ivanov et al., 2020]. The list of references is given in alphabetical order at the end of the text. E-sources are indicated as a URL. Please, pay attention to the correspondence of references in the text to the list of references, as well as indicate the total number of pages in monographs and pages of articles in collections/journals.
N.N. Ankusheva1, A.E. Romanenko2
1Institute of Mineralogy SU FRCMG UB RAS, Miass, ankusheva@ilmeny.ac.ru
2South Ural State University, Miass
The Use of Ores from Arkaim Paleovolcano (Southern Urals) in Antiquity
Abstract text not exceeding 6 page with links to fig., tables and references
Conference page | VKontakte link |
Address: 456317, Chelyabinsk region, Miass, the territory of the Ilmeny Reserve, South Ural Federal Scientific Center of Mineralogy and Geoecology, Ural Branch of RAS.
Phones: +79026025647 – Natalia Ankusheva (abstract submission);
+79507240277 – Maksim Ankushev (accommodation).
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE of the X All-Russian Scientific Conference
“Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy – 2023”
Anatoly M. Yuminov, PhD, SU FRC MG UB RAS, Miass, Chairman
Maxim Ankushev, PhD, SU FRC MG UB RAS, Miass, Vice-Chairman
Natalia Ankusheva, PhD, SU FRC MG UB RAS, Miass, Corresponding Secretary
Irina Alaeva, PhD, SUSPU, Chelyabinsk
Polina Ankusheva, PhD, SU FRC MG UB RAS, South Ural State Pedagogical University
Dmitry Artemyev, PhD, SU FRC MG UB RAS, Miass
Ivan Blinov, PhD, SU FRC MG UB RAS, Miass
Nikolay Vinogradov, Doctor of Philosophy, South Ural State Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk
Andrey Epimakhov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, SUSU, Chelyabinsk
Ludmila Koryakova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of Geography and Mineralogy UB RAS, Ekaterinburg
Sergey Kuzminykh, PhD, IA RAS, Moscow
Yuri Serikov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, N-Tags-PA, Tagil
Sergey Snopkov, PhD, IrkutskStateUniversity, Irkutsk
Alexander Tairov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk
Valery Udachin, Doctor of Sciences, SU FRC MG UB RAS, Miass
Igor Chechushkov, PhD, Institute of History and Archaeology UB RAS, Chelyabinsk
Technical Support
Evgeny Bazhenov, SU FRC MG UB RAS
Olga Buslovskaya, SU FRC MG UB RAS
Egor Vasyuchkov, SUSU, Chelyabinsk
Roza Sadykova, SU FRC MG UB RAS
Aleksandr Tseluyko, SU FRC MG UB RAS
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