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Устные доклады
Длительность устного доклада составляет 15 минут, если иное специально не оговаривалось с докладчиком.
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Стендовые доклады
Доклады вывешиваются утром в первый день конференции (3 сентября) и должны висеть до окончания заседаний (вечер 5 сентября). Формально стендовая сессия – основное время присутствия докладчиков у своих докладов совмещена с Ice-break party (вечер 3 сентября).
Размер стендового доклада по ширине ограничен минимальным размером держателя (97 см). Высота большинства держателей 1 метр. Если доклад печатается на единый лист, то он может выходить за эти пределы на разумную величину.
The conference program
September, 3
9:00 The conference registration,
10:30 Official opening ceremony, Welcome Speeches
Morning session.
Mantle sources and processes controlling the origin and evolution of ore-bearing magmas
Convener N.P. Pokhilenko
Arzamastsev A.A. | Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of the Kola alkaline intrusions, Northeastern Fennoscandian shield: what we can do more? |
Pekov I.V. | Specific peralkaline hydrothermal formation related to ore-bearing complex of the Lovozero massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia): mineralogy, origin, behavior of rare elements. |
Kogarko L.N. | Alkaline magmatism in the Earth history. Fractionation of high-strength elements in metasomatized mantle and alkaline rocks. |
Coffee break
Dobrzanski A. | Petrological and volatile evolution of the Norra Kärr lanthanoid (REE) deposit. |
Jargalan S. | Petrochemical features of REE mineralization related intrusive rocks, Mongolia. |
Wiszniewska J. | New petrology data of nelsonite dikes from the Suwalki anorthosite massif (NE Poland). |
Fomina E.N. | Ti-Nb mineralization in late сarbonatites of the Petyayan-vara (Vuoriyarvi). |
Ruszkowski M. | REE- fluorite mineralization within Tajno carbonatite intrusion (Northern Poland) – a new inside. |
Buikin A.I. | New data on isotopic and elemental composition of noble gases and major volatile components in rocks of the Seblyavr alkaline-ultrabasic massif, Kola Peninsula. |
15:30 Evening session.
Actual analytical technologies and application to the problems of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology
Conveners A.A. Arzamastsev A.N. Zaitsev
Kocaturk H. | Isotopic features and fluid charecterization of ore forming process Gurgenyayla and Bogazova plutons (Kütahya/Bursa/Bilecik-Turkey). |
Kuzmenkova O.F. | Mineral composition of the alkaline trachyandesites of the late Devonian of Belarus (parametric well Prybor). |
Sedova A.M. | The compositional evolution of pyroxenes from the eudialyte lujavrites complex of the Lovozero massif, Russia. |
Bychkova Ya.V. | Comparison of the effectiveness of various methods for the preparation of different types of rocks for ICP-MS analysis. |
Fedik I.V. | New CAMECA SXFiveTACTIS and some of the latest applications. |
Fedik I.V. | In-situ isotopic analysis methods in geochemistry. |
17:30 Poster section and Ice-break party
September, 4
10:00 Morning session.
Geochemical and petrological features of alkaline, basalt and granite magmatism in different geodynamic settings
Convener F.V. Kaminsky
Pokhilenko N.P. | Heterogeneities in peridotites of the ancient platform lithospheric mantle base: types and origin. |
Barakat A.A. | New insights into the newly discovered kimberlite and related rocks in the Central Eastern desert of Egypt. |
Pokhilenko L.N. | Mantle xenoliths of the new diamondiferous kimberlite pipe Luele (Angola): parageneses and particularities of the minerals chemical composition. |
Vorobei S.S. | Shandite in vein of serpentine and phlogopite from garnet lherzolite the kimberlite pipe of Mir. |
Litvin Y.A. | Fractional ultrabasic-basic evolution of the upper mantle magmas: role of olivine and orthopyroxene peritectic reactions by experimental evidence. |
Borisov A.A. | Ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts: new model and new MORBs fO2 estimations. |
Coffee break
Krivolutskaya N.A. | Tectonic and magmatic factors of the Pt-Cu-Ni deposits formation inside the Siberian trap province. |
Malitch K.N. | Compositional and osmium-isotope evidence for distinct sources of platinum-group minerals from the Kondyor clinopyroxenite-dunite massif (Aldan province, Russia). |
Üner T., | Petrology and geochemistry of podiform chromite in Eastern part of Van-Turkey. |
Aksoy İ. | |
Solovova I.P. | Reduced fluid at magmatic temperature and its source (Uitkomst massif, Bushveld). |
Bychkova Ya.V. | KREEP-component as a result of the differentiation of basalt magma. |
15:00 Evening session.
Genetic Mineralogy and crystal chemistry of minerals of alkaline rocks; Strategic metals deposits: models of genesis and patterns of distribution
Convener I.V. Pekov
Bayanova T.B. | Significance of baddeleyite for plume processes from PZ to AR time in the N-E part of the Baltic shield Arctic region. |
Rajlich P. | Bohemian Massif, Central Europe, tectonic behavior of the solidified astrobleme and the related distribution of ore deposits. |
Simakin A.G. | Hidden carbon roots of ore forming systems. |
Sorokhtina N.V. | Composition variations of rare-metal minerals from the Elet’ozero massif alkaline pegmatites, Northern Karelia. |
Sharkov E.V. | Geochemical features of the Mid-Paleoproterozoic Tiksheozero ultramafite-alkaline-carbonatite complex, Northern Karelia. |
Coffee break
Kocaturk H. | Characterization of Turkali pluton & Yuntdag volcanics related ore genesis (Manisa-Turkey). |
Koneev R. I. | Geodynamic conditions, magmatism and composition of ores of gold deposits in Uzbekistan (Western Tien Shan). |
Sheth H. | Some observations on spilitized basalts of the western Deccan Traps, India. |
Ermolaeva V. N. | Minerals – concentrators of arsenic in nonsulfide endogeneous Pb-Zn-Sb ores in Pelagonian massif, Macedonia. |
Sandalov F. D. | Rutile as a concentrator of antimony in fumarolic exhalations of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). |
Shchipalkina N.V. | Feldspars and feldspathoids from fumarole sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia). |
Kheloufi A. | Impurities removal from fine quartz using froth flotation process. |
September, 5
10:00 Morning session.
Theoretical and experimental modeling of mantle processes and mineral associations
Conveners H. Kagi, A.V. Bobrov
Pushcharovsky D.Yu. | Fe in the Earth’s Core: New Data and New Ideas. |
Irifune T. | Chemical compositions of the mantle transition region and the uppermost lower mantle inferred from high-pressure mineral physics. |
Kagi H. | Pressure-induced reactions on organic compounds: prebiotic molecular evolution in icy bodies. |
Kaminsky F. | Water in the Earth’s lower mantle. |
Inoue T. | Existence of water in the lower mantle. |
Coffee break
Bobrov A.V. | Minor elements in bridgmanite: experimental and natural data. |
Noda M. | Al substitution mechanism in anhydrous bridgmanite as a function of Al content. |
Spivak A.V. | Fractional ultrabasic-basic evolution of the lower mantle magmas: role of bridgmanite peritectic reaction by experimental evidence. |
Tamarova A.P. | Interphase partitioning of minor elements in the deep transition zone and uppermost lower mantle: experimental and natural data. |
Fukuyama K. | Incorporation of nitrogen into lower-mantle minerals from high P-T experiments under controlled Fe-FeO buffer. |
14:35 Evening session.
Theoretical and experimental modeling of mantle processes and mineral associations
Conveners H. Kagi, A.V. Bobrov
Yagi T. | Developments of diamond anvils for the study of high-pressure mineral physics. |
Ohfuji H. | First report of metamorphic diamond from Japan: its occurrence and mineralogical feature. |
Chertkova N. | In situ experimental study of basalt – COH system at the upper mantle conditions. |
Litasov K.D. | Carbon-bearing magmas in the Earth’s deep interior. |
Coffee break
Kawamura H. | Decomposition of magnesite in the presence of reduced C-H-O fluid under upper mantle conditions. |
Iskrina A.V. | Synthesis of the phases in the system Ca–Al–O at 15 GPa and 1600°C |
Ismailova L.S. | Stability of skiagite-majorite garnets and Fe spinels at high-pressures and temperatures. |
Zedgenizov D.A. | Inclusions of SiO2 in sublithospheric diamonds. |