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Устные доклады

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Стендовые доклады

Доклады вывешиваются утром в первый день конференции (3 сентября) и должны висеть до окончания заседаний (вечер 5 сентября). Формально стендовая сессия – основное время присутствия докладчиков у своих докладов совмещена с Ice-break party (вечер 3 сентября).

Размер стендового доклада по ширине ограничен минимальным размером держателя (97 см). Высота большинства держателей 1 метр.  Если доклад печатается на единый лист, то он может выходить за эти пределы на разумную величину.

The conference program

September, 3

9:00 The conference registration,

10:30 Official opening ceremony, Welcome Speeches

Morning session.

Mantle sources and processes controlling the origin and evolution of ore-bearing magmas

Convener N.P. Pokhilenko

Arzamastsev A.A.Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of the Kola alkaline intrusions, Northeastern Fennoscandian shield: what we can do more?
Pekov I.V.Specific peralkaline hydrothermal formation related to ore-bearing complex of the Lovozero massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia): mineralogy, origin, behavior of rare elements.
Kogarko L.N.Alkaline magmatism in the Earth history. Fractionation of high-strength elements in metasomatized mantle and alkaline rocks.

       Coffee break

Dobrzanski A.Petrological and volatile evolution of the Norra Kärr lanthanoid (REE) deposit.
Jargalan S.Petrochemical features of REE mineralization related intrusive rocks, Mongolia.
Wiszniewska J.New petrology data of nelsonite dikes from the Suwalki anorthosite massif (NE Poland).
Fomina E.N.Ti-Nb mineralization in late сarbonatites of the Petyayan-vara (Vuoriyarvi).
Ruszkowski M.REE- fluorite mineralization within Tajno carbonatite intrusion (Northern Poland) – a new inside.
Buikin A.I.New data on isotopic and elemental composition of noble gases and major volatile components in rocks of the Seblyavr alkaline-ultrabasic massif, Kola Peninsula.


15:30 Evening session.

Actual analytical technologies and application to the problems of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology

Conveners A.A. Arzamastsev A.N. Zaitsev 

Kocaturk H.Isotopic features and fluid charecterization of ore forming process Gurgenyayla and Bogazova plutons (Kütahya/Bursa/Bilecik-Turkey).
Kuzmenkova O.F.Mineral composition of the alkaline trachyandesites of the late Devonian of Belarus (parametric well Prybor).
Sedova A.M.The compositional evolution of pyroxenes from the eudialyte lujavrites complex of the Lovozero massif, Russia.
Bychkova Ya.V.Comparison of the effectiveness of various methods for the preparation of different types of rocks for ICP-MS analysis.
Fedik I.V.New CAMECA SXFiveTACTIS and some of the latest applications.
Fedik I.V.In-situ isotopic analysis methods in geochemistry.

17:30 Poster section and Ice-break party

September, 4

10:00 Morning session.

Geochemical and petrological features of alkaline, basalt and granite magmatism in different geodynamic settings

Convener F.V. Kaminsky

Pokhilenko N.P.Heterogeneities in peridotites of the ancient platform lithospheric mantle base: types and origin.
Barakat A.A.New insights into the newly discovered kimberlite and related rocks in the Central Eastern desert of Egypt.
Pokhilenko L.N.Mantle xenoliths of the new diamondiferous kimberlite pipe Luele (Angola): parageneses and particularities of the minerals chemical composition.
Vorobei S.S.Shandite in vein of serpentine and phlogopite from garnet lherzolite the kimberlite pipe of Mir.
Litvin Y.A.Fractional ultrabasic-basic evolution of the upper mantle magmas: role of olivine and orthopyroxene peritectic reactions by experimental evidence.
Borisov A.A.Ferric/ferrous ratio in silicate melts: new model and new MORBs fO2 estimations.

       Coffee break

Krivolutskaya N.A.Tectonic and magmatic factors of the Pt-Cu-Ni deposits formation inside the Siberian trap province.
Malitch K.N.Compositional and osmium-isotope evidence for distinct sources of platinum-group minerals from the Kondyor clinopyroxenite-dunite massif (Aldan province, Russia).
Üner T.,Petrology and geochemistry of podiform chromite in Eastern part of Van-Turkey.
Aksoy İ.
Solovova I.P.Reduced fluid at magmatic temperature and its source (Uitkomst massif, Bushveld).
Bychkova Ya.V.KREEP-component as a result of the differentiation of basalt magma.


15:00 Evening session.

Genetic Mineralogy and crystal chemistry of minerals of alkaline rocks; Strategic metals deposits: models of genesis and patterns of distribution

Convener I.V. Pekov

Bayanova T.B.Significance of baddeleyite for plume processes from PZ to AR time in the N-E part of the Baltic shield Arctic region.
Rajlich P.Bohemian Massif, Central Europe, tectonic behavior of the solidified astrobleme and the related distribution of ore deposits.
Simakin A.G.Hidden carbon roots of ore forming systems.
Sorokhtina N.V.Composition variations of rare-metal minerals from the Elet’ozero massif alkaline pegmatites, Northern Karelia.
Sharkov E.V.Geochemical features of the Mid-Paleoproterozoic Tiksheozero ultramafite-alkaline-carbonatite complex, Northern Karelia.

       Coffee break

Kocaturk H.Characterization of Turkali pluton & Yuntdag volcanics related ore genesis (Manisa-Turkey).
Koneev R. I.Geodynamic conditions, magmatism and composition of ores of gold deposits in Uzbekistan (Western Tien Shan).
Sheth H.Some observations on spilitized basalts of the western Deccan Traps, India.
Ermolaeva V. N.Minerals – concentrators of arsenic in nonsulfide endogeneous Pb-Zn-Sb ores in Pelagonian massif, Macedonia.
Sandalov F. D.Rutile as a concentrator of antimony in fumarolic exhalations of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia).
Shchipalkina N.V.Feldspars and feldspathoids from fumarole sublimates of the Tolbachik volcano (Kamchatka, Russia).
Kheloufi A.Impurities removal from fine quartz using froth flotation process.

September, 5

10:00 Morning session.

Theoretical and experimental modeling of mantle processes and mineral associations

Conveners H. Kagi, A.V. Bobrov

Pushcharovsky D.Yu.Fe in the Earth’s Core: New Data and New Ideas.
Irifune T.Chemical compositions of the mantle transition region and the uppermost lower mantle inferred from high-pressure mineral physics.
Kagi H.Pressure-induced reactions on organic compounds: prebiotic molecular evolution in icy bodies.
Kaminsky F.Water in the Earth’s lower mantle.
Inoue T.Existence of water in the lower mantle.

       Coffee break

Bobrov A.V.Minor elements in bridgmanite: experimental and natural data.
Noda M.Al substitution mechanism in anhydrous bridgmanite as a function of Al content.
Spivak A.V.Fractional ultrabasic-basic evolution of the lower mantle magmas: role of bridgmanite peritectic reaction by experimental evidence.
Tamarova A.P.Interphase partitioning of minor elements in the deep transition zone and uppermost lower mantle: experimental and natural data.
Fukuyama K.Incorporation of nitrogen into lower-mantle minerals from high P-T experiments under controlled Fe-FeO buffer.


14:35 Evening session.

Theoretical and experimental modeling of mantle processes and mineral associations

Conveners H. Kagi, A.V. Bobrov

Yagi T.Developments of diamond anvils for the study of high-pressure mineral physics.
Ohfuji H.First report of metamorphic diamond from Japan: its occurrence and mineralogical feature.
Chertkova N.In situ experimental study of basalt – COH system at the upper mantle conditions.
Litasov K.D.Carbon-bearing magmas in the Earth’s deep interior.

       Coffee break

Kawamura H.Decomposition of magnesite in the presence of reduced C-H-O fluid under upper mantle conditions.
Iskrina A.V.Synthesis of the phases in the system Ca–Al–O at 15 GPa and 1600°C
Ismailova L.S.Stability of skiagite-majorite garnets and Fe spinels at high-pressures and temperatures.
Zedgenizov D.A.Inclusions of SiO2 in sublithospheric diamonds.

18:00  Conference banquet

September, 6

Day for excursions

September, 7

Day for excursions
