The spouses and participants of the conference are welcome to the historical tour through the old Miass and degustation of traditional Russian dumplings – pelmeni.

The tour will include (i) the walking through an old part of Miass, which was established in 1773 and became the capital of a “gold fever” region in the 1800s due to discovery of primary and placer gold deposits; (ii) visit to Miass Museum of Local History located in the former mansion of famous Miass gold merchant Egor Simonov; (iii) visit to the former mansion of rich Miass merchant Smirnov and
lunch at Russian cuisine cafe inside of Museum of Pelmeni.

An additional bonus of the tour is visit to the beautiful Lake Turgoyak (depending on the weather conditions).

An additional bonus of the tour is visit to the beautiful Lake Turgoyak (depending on the weather conditions).

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